Run by Dr Gino Sitson, a New York-based vocalist-composer and scholar, Polyvocal Research Laboratory focuses on musical perception and cognition, the expressive properties of the voice and the process of transmission of music from the “black” diaspora.
The Lab
Gino Sitson, PhD (aka Pierre-Eugène Sitchet) is a New York-based French-American vocalist and composer originally from Cameroon. He holds a Ph.D. in musicology from Paris- Sorbonne University under the supervision of Professor Jean-Marc Chouvel. He also earned an MS degree in education sciences. His work focuses on music perception and cognition, expressive properties of the voice and the process of transmitting music from the ‘black’ diaspora. Under his stage name, he has already released eight albums. He appeared in the 2009 PBS documentary film ‘the music instinct: science and song’, featuring Bobby McFerrin, Daniel Levitin, Olivier Sacks, Daniel Barenboim and Yo-Yo Ma. He is a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador. Dr Sitson is an Associate Researcher at IReMus (Institut de recherche en musicologie : Paris-Sorbonne University, CNRS, BnF, Ministère de la Culture) and an Associate Researcher at LADIREP (Laboratoire « LAngages DIscours Représentations », Université d’État d’Haïti).
Polyvocal Research Laboratory is looking forward to receiving funding from foundations, organizations…
Marie-Christine Parent , PhD
Ethson Otilien (Member of the Laboratoire LangSE, UEH Sciences du Langage : Discours, Textes, Communication et Documentation)
Narcisse Fomekong Djeugou , PhD (EHESS, Institut des Mondes Africains)
Tahon, Marie, and Pierre-Eugène Sitchet. 2017. “The Transmission of Voicing in Traditional Gwoka: Between Identity and Memory.”
Journal of Interdisciplinary Voice Studies 2(2):157–75. .
Tahon, Marie, and Pierre-Eugène Sitchet. 2016. “La nasalité dans le répertoire Gwoka de la Guadeloupe.” In , 8. Le Mans, France. .
Sitchet, Pierre-Eugène, and Marie Tahon. 2016. “Le voisement dans le Gwoka: entre le parlé et le chanté.” In , 8. ALbi, France. .
Sitson, Gino. 2016. “Le gwoka : de l’Unesco aux nouvelles perspectives.”
Africultures . February 23. .